Regarding Magik’s Limbo chance.

Per her sig ability she has a 25% chance to enter limbo after filling 1 bar or power. This is based ona 5* with lvl 200 sig ability.
Why then does the 4* version in dungeons trigger limbo every single time she gets a bar of power?!?!
For that matter why does the AI champs trigger their abilities soooooooooooo much more often than the percentage would lead you to believe??? This being in any mode of gameplay except arenas.

Why then does the 4* version in dungeons trigger limbo every single time she gets a bar of power?!?!
For that matter why does the AI champs trigger their abilities soooooooooooo much more often than the percentage would lead you to believe??? This being in any mode of gameplay except arenas.

Unless the AI has a Buff that increases their chance to trigger their abilities, they do not have more of a chance to trigger an ability than you do with the same Champion at the same Sig Level. I know it doesn't always feel this way, but this is the case. The AI and You both use the exact same champions (unless other specified, like the EX version of Champions in Labyrinth), and it's not possible for us to change their abilities, except with Buffs.
25% is the base, what you get For simply awakening the champ.
To be honest, it should be simplified to state that:
"After filling a bar of power, Magik has a <25-50%>% chance to enter a state of limbo... The chance increases by <12.5-25%> after filling two bars" where the % chance is the adjusted number based on sig level instead of showing a number and then adding a variable multiplicative line later.
Why do the game devs insist on making the math so complicated?
Common core
Ummm.......what? If you multiply a certain number by 99.96% it efecctivly doubles her chance for limbo. I am curious, how do yall think that doubling a number means it stays the same?
25% x 0.996
25% x (almsot) 25
I’m assuming the former but the way it is said could be interpreted as either one. However if you concerted that last % into a decimal that would make all the difference
25% * 199.96%
which can be written as:
.25 * 1.9996 = .4999
which converts to:
But, per earlier discussion, this is not how the awaken ability is written. But it is how it actually works.