An annoying Event Quest detail

Edit: Okay, thankfully I noticed it gets explored anyway so nvm 😅
So I discovered this in Infinity Nightmare chapter 2 ”Waking Nightmare” where it seems you have to redo the whole middle section (that will take up a lot of energy). Just because of this tiny little part that won’t be explored otherwise.
Any one else noticed it? Or will it ignore that part once I’m done with the middle?

So I discovered this in Infinity Nightmare chapter 2 ”Waking Nightmare” where it seems you have to redo the whole middle section (that will take up a lot of energy). Just because of this tiny little part that won’t be explored otherwise.
Any one else noticed it? Or will it ignore that part once I’m done with the middle?

An update from Kabam when they changed how this worked would have been nice. If they gave it, I missed it (if this is the case, ignore what I’m saying here). The lack of update when they initially changed it always makes me a bit uncomfortable when I see quests like these, never knowing if they changed it back or not. Or if maybe the change was unintenional to begin with.
Either way, right now it’s 100% when all nodes are walked over, but the lines to not have to be walked.
Only it's good like this. You get to choose. I would move it there where more maps where you could pick how you walk and it doesn't have to be the same. Right now taking the left side means I would have to fight the GG two times, but only once. I suck against him so that's great. If I decide to go right anyway (since I suck, I like the practice) I only have to take the Groot once. I get to pick.
I just wish they would state that it now works like this and will stay like this, so the fear of "do I have to walk it again?" is no longer there.
With tiles/circles/nodes do you mean the things that light up green? Can’t figure out what