Dungeon changes

QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 170
I don't understand these changes. Why reduce the number of points for maps 4+ and make them harder?

You claim it's taking too long to reach all the milestones because people are playing a level of difficulty lower than intended. The reason I play map 5 more than I do map 6 is because of the jump in difficulty and penalty for failing. If you fail, you lose too many points relative to how many you can gain if you win. If you fail, you lose so many points and as a result, it takes longer to reach the final milestone. I don't think it's worth the gamble and opt to play a lower difficulty.

Now that the maps are getting harder and the points will increase less rapidly, why on Earth would I choose to play map 6? These changes will only make me avoid map 6 even more and the decrease in points will result in it taken even longer to reach the final milestone! This change seems completely backwards to me.

Personally, I think it would make more sense to narrow the reduction in points for failing and award more points for succeeding so more push for extra rooms on harder maps.


  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 170
    Ignore me. I may have misinterpreted the information. I thought 4+ would be worth less. However, it appears the points remain the same but the gap between maps 1-3 and 4+ is narrower because 1-3 are worth more points!

    Regardless, I still feel that my suggestion would result in less people playing a map beneath their recommended difficulty
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