Should There Be Champion Trading?

After some thinking I came to a thought, trading champions. Such as trading a 4* nebula for a 4* cable. This would fix some cases of account sharing for if a player doesn't want their account anymore they could give their champions to you. if they gave you a 4* juggernaut and you already have a 4* juggernaut, it would add signature levels. This would be done by invite like dungeons. Both players would have to confirm the trade before it happens. What do you think?
It's a bad idea
What's the pros? Are there certain champs I want in this game? Yes. Would I quit because the game was too easy if I didn't have to earn those champs? Definitely
give me Blade and i'll give you hulk buster see what I mean
Never going to happen. Never. Just stop.
^that guys name
How about I give you my unduped Crossbones for your unduped Elektra. I dupe my Elektra and you dupe your Crossbones. Closer?