crash when start fight

A lot of times the game crash when i start a fight in quest, aq, ecc. and when i restart the game i lose half life of my hero. in aq is very frustating this bug why if i want heal my hero i need to use glory or units
Can fix all the bugs first to add new update that raise the number of bugs ?
If give compensation after that we lose aq for the bugs are useless
@Kabam Miike
Can fix all the bugs first to add new update that raise the number of bugs ?
If give compensation after that we lose aq for the bugs are useless
@Kabam Miike
we use energy for potions and potions for bugs......
but if aq ain't such a big deal (my team is wolverine, x23, hulk, so i can heal my wolv with regen quick enough), then when it's happenin at aw where i ain't got champs with regen - it's so annoyin!