CW30 is recruiting / rebuilding

If you ever wanted to move up to a bigger alliance, now is your opportunity! CW30 (8-10 million alliance) is recruiting young talent who want to start doing Map5x5. We are an alliance that has been together for a LONG time and now some of the older members are retiring...but many are still staying...
We have a serious core of hard-hitters (all of the alliance is uncollected and etc)….but since we are rebuilding we need young need at least 3 5-50 4*'s or 3-45 5*'s in order to keep up in alliance Quest map 5....we are not looking for boss-killers, or anything else...we have those... In game hit me up [CW30]Jef.Mehr for an invite.
We have a serious core of hard-hitters (all of the alliance is uncollected and etc)….but since we are rebuilding we need young need at least 3 5-50 4*'s or 3-45 5*'s in order to keep up in alliance Quest map 5....we are not looking for boss-killers, or anything else...we have those... In game hit me up [CW30]Jef.Mehr for an invite.