Good Job Kabam

I just wanted to say I really enjoy the last chapter in Uncollected. Only a mini-boss and Boss battle, they were a good challenge. I would much rather have 2 tougher fights with "winter soldier" type health, than having to run 7 lines of mediocre champs. Good job everyone.
I like the quest and think people just need to look at it as a fight to play multiple times and learn over time on how to eventually beat and clear (most don't want to have to keep coming back and doing the same fight over and over for weeks to learn is their issue I think... also I get and agree with the idea that the whole quest is easy but then the final boss seems impossible is a bit too much of a difficulty spike for a lot of players).
As for the Collector... the difference there would be the Collector is always there. I can get the rewards today or a year from now... the Monthly Quest is done in 30 or so days and those particular rewards are never to come back. I'm not making a point... just saying what I see as the difference between the two since you sort of asked.
Though I am not sure Master Mode Thanos should be as hard as the Collector... I can see Uncollected Thanos being harder. Maybe The Collector is still harder then Master Mode Thanos (not sure I have not done The Collector yet... all I can say is this boss fight is the hardest Master Mode boss fight I have had in my personal experience with monthly events thus far).
Again please understand I am not arguing for an easier fight... I keep getting better and better as I fight him so it is a matter of either having really high rank champs and/or a lot of skill and practice, so I will beat him on Master Difficulty eventually but I can totally understand people's frustration with it (honestly I am not sure if i like it, this type of fight would be PERFECT for Act 5 where it is there forever and we can beat him anytime and over time... but these types of fights I am not sure I think belong in Monthly/timed events but that is just a thought off the top of my head, I don't feel strongly about it).