Something Positive about Infinity Dungeons

So something I've noticed a lot of negativity to what's been going on in the game lately with the new features added such as infinity dungeons rewards/milestones sucking, server keeps going down, find a player option sucks, etc. I want to say thanks to Kabam for giving us this new game feature! Its pretty awesome to be able to play with my friends that are either a lower level then me or in a different alliance. It also gives us the chance to get a little extra. Although Infinity dungeons are not perfect and have some flaws its the thought that counts right? You wouldn't get mad at someone giving you a gift right? This is the first time something like this is introduced into the game so we can't expect perfect and hopefully moving forward it will get better! I guess what I'm trying to say is that we should look at the glass half full kinda thing here.. we are quick to complain but never give thanks. So, Thank you Kabam! I appreciate your efforts in trying to keep the game interesting and really big thanks on responding to the players about the milestone rewards!