2* wars and AW Seasons.

I don't think it has been addressed yet, but 2* wars in AW Seasons should be fixed. I don't know that this is still happening, but I know it did during season 1 a lot.
Is it possible to have 2* and 3* (and 4* that are not maxed maybe even 5* R1's as well) award lower points in Plat 1 and Master brackets?
For example a 2* will have a max attack bonus of 120 points, 3* will have a max attack bonus of 180 points,
un-maxed 4* and 5* R1 will have one the previous 2 scores, and 4* maxed and 5* r2 and up could have the full 240 attack bonus.
That's just an example, but wars like this allow teams who know they will lose to save on potions and boosts as well as allows both teams to benefit from little to no deaths. The winning team can get a perfect war victory and the losing team can get a near perfect war lose.
Hope to see this addressed in some way.
Is it possible to have 2* and 3* (and 4* that are not maxed maybe even 5* R1's as well) award lower points in Plat 1 and Master brackets?
For example a 2* will have a max attack bonus of 120 points, 3* will have a max attack bonus of 180 points,
un-maxed 4* and 5* R1 will have one the previous 2 scores, and 4* maxed and 5* r2 and up could have the full 240 attack bonus.
That's just an example, but wars like this allow teams who know they will lose to save on potions and boosts as well as allows both teams to benefit from little to no deaths. The winning team can get a perfect war victory and the losing team can get a near perfect war lose.
Hope to see this addressed in some way.
Are the 2 ally's making a deal before they place anyone?
Why would the losing team give the winning team such an advantage like that?
The winning team maxing points in a war effects everyone, even the losing team.
The two teams do talk during the placement phase. It's very easy to tell who you are facing up against.
It benefits even the loser in a huge way. The team who knows they will lose can save potions, boosts, and actually earn more points toward season rewards by reducing their death count. The losing team will place 145 diversity and neither team will have any deaths. The winning team will get a close to if not perfect AW score, and the losing team will have a nearly perfect losing score minus the 150 points from the lacking diversity.
Yeah I know you can figure out who you are fighting. I am pretty sure that's why they messed with the "odds" to make it more difficult.
But that makes sense. No deaths either team, let the winning team win with just diversity basically.
Folks are creative when it comes to trying to stick it to the man. lol
They could start including defender rating in the scoring again to curb it somewhat. Or, start placing minimum defender ratings by tier. Like, no 1* defenders in tier 18 or higher, etc, although people could still reasonably make similar deals with 1/10 4*'s.
Yeah in my OP I say it might be best if only maxed 4* and 5* R2+ champs are the only ones that provide the 240 point max attack bonus for no deaths. Anything weaker than those should reward less points for no deaths.
Many ways. The calculator is one, but before that you'd just ask in a line chat if anyone had the same +/- points for the war you were going into, and then you would match up the times till defender placement phase was over.
The picture above was taken from a thread that’s been closed, I’m not able to quote the comment because the thread has been closed.
I think that it would discourage organized 2* wars if they did your suggestion, but then Alliances would start placing weaker defenders on principal as a means of denying the opposition points.
Good call i completely over looked that. Maybe it would be best to have the point multiplier be effected by defender rating. For example in T1 AW you need "x" defender rating to get the 7x multiplier.
In my OP I said this should only be for Platinum 1 and Master brackets. As lower rating wars will need to have lower rated champs.
I agree that was one of my suggestions on another, I believe closed, thread. They should hide the +/- of the war and round the countdown timer to a large number like 15 mins or greater.
We need a solution to this. It is happening way too often for alliances in the top 20. It is unfair to those who have fought actual wars every time.
This has been a problem too long. Please give us a response.