12 Million Alliance Looking for 8-9 Strong Players
Hey everyone, my alliance is doing a little bit of rebuilding after having a group leave, so we're looking to add 8-9 players. We are AW focused and run Map 5 consistently. We ended up in Gold 1 tier after AW season 1.
Weekly donations are required. There aren't any hard minimums for events, but it's great if you do participate and help everyone get those milestone rewards.
We communicate with Line and use CHQ for assigning lanes and battlegroups. Message me in either app if you're interested - just search for QuincyPeck. I'll also check back here periodically. Thanks!
Weekly donations are required. There aren't any hard minimums for events, but it's great if you do participate and help everyone get those milestone rewards.
We communicate with Line and use CHQ for assigning lanes and battlegroups. Message me in either app if you're interested - just search for QuincyPeck. I'll also check back here periodically. Thanks!