The computer can do it, we should, too...

I would really like the ability to use my L1 or L2 when at full power. So many times I've missed out on my chance to use Hyperion or Hawkeye's DoT inflicting L1 because I got caught by a combo(or in Hyperion's case, simply Power Gained past it).
Or at the very least, remove the ability from the AI when it's not a challenge event or chapter/act boss, because it's simply not fair.
Or at the very least, remove the ability from the AI when it's not a challenge event or chapter/act boss, because it's simply not fair.
I would like both participants of a fight to be on a level playing field.
Not in my experience. Happens in the arenas all the time.
No, it doesn't. I have never once been hit with the wrong special in arena and I've been playing for two years.
that's because they have sp3 active in arena. Its impossible however for an arena champ to hit you with a sp2 when at 3 bars of power. In order to be on the "same playing field" your sp3 would have to be completely disabled. While this is honestly not a big deal for most champs, as sp2's often do more damage, it is still not the original intent surrounding the blocking of defending ai's sp3. This is only done in easier content arenas where you can expect to find newer players, and is meant to lower the punishment of not baiting specials correctly.
It's not that they don't believe you. It's just that you're wrong. The computer does NOT use S1 or S2 when at full power in the arena. The AI only does that in quests where S3 is disabled.
It doesn't matter if they believe you, or even if you believe yourself. Go back and play 100 rounds of arena and you will realize that you are mistaken.
So OP, if you truly believe this happens in arena, send in a support ticket and post the issue in the bugs and known issue part of the forum.
Now for the suggestion part of all this, althoughthe reasoning is really flawed, I wouldn’t mind being able to pick which special I use. I’ve seen multiple posts ablut that in the past, one had even made a beautiful picture of how it could look ingame. Maybe it would be best suited for a limited time event.