367k Player Looking for Alliance


367k, 4860 prestige UK player looking for AQ Gold I, AQ 5x5 alliance. Here are some of my top champs, with a newly hatched blade on it's way up to complete the trinity.

IGN: worldbreaker94
LINE: worldbreaker94


  • OzanovicOzanovic Member Posts: 18
    9+mln active europe based alliance. We do aq map55533 and aw gold with 3 bg. We can use active players like you. Line mandatory

    Hope to hear from you bro

    Lineid:0zanovic (the first 0 is the number zero)
    IGN:0zanovic (the first 0 is the number zero)
  • ChiSox_2005ChiSox_2005 Member Posts: 139
    Still looking? 13 Mil alliance. We run 5x5 and Gold 1/2. Looking for active player that communicates. Have several UK players. Line ID: chisox_2005.
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