Vigilante Priesthood Recruiting

Looking for an active alliance? This is your alliance. We are a newly formed alliance but we are all experienced and looking to build up this alliance.

If you’d care to get an idea of what will be our commitments to you and what you can expect of us...
The Monastery Mantra- Standards for all members of Vigilante Priesthood:
• LINE app, our primary means of communication, will be mandatory. InGameName and LineID should resemble or be the same.
• Participation in all AW & AQ events will be mandatory. Successful groups need full participation by group members. If Real Life Happens & a member is going to be out of town, on vacation or is sick, they will be responsible for notifying their BG Captain. We are not your parents here, please be accountable. For the good of the Alliance, absences without notice cannot be tolerated and may be considered detrimental.
• Members may not squat after entering an event. We emphasize balanced participation of all team members. Upon entering an event, Members are expected to complete their respective lanes.
• Members will enter all events promptly. If Real Life Happens & a member will be late, he/she must contact BG Captain.
• Weekly donations of 15K Gold, 3K Loyalty & 6K Battlechips are not required, but are greatly appreciated 🙏🏻😁
• English please. Out of respect for those not fluent in other dialects, English only shall be used in main chat, thank you 🙏🏻

If you are interested, please contact me in the game or through line. Username is Spherictrey. Our leaders username is MyleHy7
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