Arena crystals yielded units that didn’t add to total

Hey guys. I was opening Arena Crystals, 10 at a time, and several times it showed that I pulled 105 units, but my unit count did not increase accordingly. Anybody have this issue or know what to do about it? I guess I shouldn’t be opening 10 at a time,but it would still be an issue with the game.


    Try closing the game an reopening it. It might just be a visual error.
  • TheLastPrionTheLastPrion Member Posts: 3
    Yeah, tried that but it didn’t work. I’ve also been able to add units, but still to a total that doesn’t reflect those won from arena crystal openings.
  • TheLastPrionTheLastPrion Member Posts: 3
    Another similar issue: opened an Arena Crystal and “won” 15 units, but my total only went up by 1.
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