I don’t mind him. If you have parry and stupefy maxed you can keep the opponent stunned for quite a while, the longer you can stun them the better. When they are stunned medium and heavy attacks can armour break the opponent with an 85% chance. So with these masteries, you can parry, do 2 mediums and start a 5 hit combo using your third medium. Up to 3 armour breaks from that alone and each one inflicted will remove an existing armour up as well. His Crit Rate is higher than normal so his damage isn’t bad with the armour breaks as well, nothing major but decent. Good Stun Chance and duration on special attacks, high perfect block chance and can sometimes auto evade projectile attacks. Don’t rely on that evade though it’s pretty random. Also, he is immune to invisibility so his attacks won’t miss against champs like the hood since he’s blind anyway. I quite like that part about him. It’s just his sig that isn’t that impressive for me, have to be debuffed for the crit buff. It’s a big increase when it does trigger but usually you’d want to avoid debuffs so it’s not particularly useful. Otherwise I think he’s decent.
Wrong daredevil