It's time to buff Carnage.

Carnage is a very strong character in the comics, but he's trash in the game. Some youtubers say he have good bleed damage, but that bleed actually regen the enemy in the arena if they have will power. He's too bad that even Kamala Khan or Collosus is far better.
So, base on what I know about Carnage, this is what I suggest kabam how to buff him.
1. passive: regenerate 5%-10% health any time he's bleeding.
2. Maniacal will: whenever there's a debuff on Carnage, he place a chaos debuff on the opponent and gain +50% attack. This ability can trigger after a special or passive.
What do you think?
So, base on what I know about Carnage, this is what I suggest kabam how to buff him.
1. passive: regenerate 5%-10% health any time he's bleeding.
2. Maniacal will: whenever there's a debuff on Carnage, he place a chaos debuff on the opponent and gain +50% attack. This ability can trigger after a special or passive.
What do you think?
My favourite design character in the game