A Growing Alliance is looking for Members

NBC2 has been making some great strides over the past two months and we are trying to keep that growth going. To that end we are looking to get a second Battle Group going in our AWs. We are sitting at 3.7 million in ratings and we have been taking what was an alliance for alt accounts and molding it into something in its own right. As things stand, we run Map 3 in AQ. We are looking for people hopefully over 120k, though I'm not tied to that as a requirement since I believe player ability can outshine an impressive score from rosters and masteries. For the moment we are not requiring donations and we are fairly laid back as a group. We do require the use of LINE and we stress communication during AQ and AW if nothing else.
If you are looking for a low key alliance or want to be a part of helping us build up and move forward, please hit me up. If you want to find me on LINE my username there is the same as it is here. You can also contact @Indabitably through LINE. Just let him know you saw my thread on the MCoC forums. We are looking forward to working with anybody interested in being a part of a supportive and casually fun group.
If you are looking for a low key alliance or want to be a part of helping us build up and move forward, please hit me up. If you want to find me on LINE my username there is the same as it is here. You can also contact @Indabitably through LINE. Just let him know you saw my thread on the MCoC forums. We are looking forward to working with anybody interested in being a part of a supportive and casually fun group.