AQ map 5x5, 5650 prestige, AW gold tier 1...

15+ mil alliance looking for 1 new recruit for someone who is stepping down due to a work promotion. We are Panic Button Heroes [PBH]

-We run AQ and AW at the same time.
-Finish AQ with 115+ mil points.
-15k minimum for completion.
-We always get milestone rewards for item use.
-Weekly donations: 138k gold, 30.2k BC’s, and 13k loyalty.
-Weekly SA rewards in 6-20% bracket.
-Must use line for AQ and AW chat.
-Prefer EST, CST, MST, or PST time zones, but really just looking for someone who is active throughout the day to clear lanes and nodes in AQ and AW.

Interested? Respond here, message me in game or on line (fjc1600)
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