Looking for ACTIVE alliance.

Hey summoners, i've been playing this game about 10months now and had my own alliance that failed to be active. I'm currently part of an alliance that isn't quite as organized as I would like(I do not take pride in wanting to leave but probably best to use my activeness somewhere else). So im looking for alliance that'll be very active when it comes to events and aq/aw. Above all else this alliance need to be friendly and helpful.
If you're alliance has members that log into the game less than 3 times a day then please don't invite me. I'm looking for The most activity from all members. I would like battlegroups (no less than 2 at a time preferably map 2-4) in aq/aw that'll be completed and everyone doing their part 100%
Everyone has a life I know this, as I do too, but don't commit to something you can't complete is my philosophy.
As a bonus I have over 150 crystals waiting to be opened for the next SA event.
I'm at level 53, with 16 4*s, and 1 5*
In game Username/line usnername: Zuko538
If you're alliance sounds like any of the above then feel free to send me a message via line or on here.
Thanks :smile
If you're alliance has members that log into the game less than 3 times a day then please don't invite me. I'm looking for The most activity from all members. I would like battlegroups (no less than 2 at a time preferably map 2-4) in aq/aw that'll be completed and everyone doing their part 100%
Everyone has a life I know this, as I do too, but don't commit to something you can't complete is my philosophy.
As a bonus I have over 150 crystals waiting to be opened for the next SA event.
I'm at level 53, with 16 4*s, and 1 5*
In game Username/line usnername: Zuko538
If you're alliance sounds like any of the above then feel free to send me a message via line or on here.
Thanks :smile
2.3M Ally looking for 5-10 ppl L40+/60k+ for expanding alliance. LINE REQUIRED. Add me for info
AQ Map 3, Map 2 during AW. AW Tier 17 (new ally rapidly building war rating)
Mandatory AQ and AW participation, as assigned. SA rewards 4*/5* shards
What we offer:
-Regular AQ's - Mostly Map 3, but occasionally higher. Map 2 during AW.
-Weekly AW's - War's declared on last day of AQ. and Wednesday after maintenace. Currently Tier 17 rewards because ally is newly formed and we are still building back our war rating.
-Weekly SA - 4/5* shards each week. We recently entered a new SA bracket, so we need additonal people to continue receiving these rewards.
-Laid back group of people who are here to do their best, have fun, and share in each others success.
-Excellelnt support structure for those less versed in the game. Knowledgable officers willing to share tips & tricks.
What we require:
-Mandatory AQ and AW participation.
-Weekly Duels, Completion, and Item Use.
-LINE app for communication.
What we're looking for:
-Lvl 40+ and 60k+ prestige minimum.
-DAILY ACTIVE - Daily play is required. We understand life happens, though, so if you're gonna be out, just let us know.
-COMMUNICATION - Communication is key for AQ and AW. We're a friendly bunch and like to chat. Ask questions, share game achievements, etc. Just don't be a douche and you will fit in just fine.