Morningstar AW defender bug?

Cryptic_CobraCryptic_Cobra Member Posts: 532 ★★★
So I fought this morningstar today in AQ. It was on node 33 and going into the fight I knew it would be an easy fight. Once in however I discovered it somehow has 100-200% power gain. My basic attacks fueled her specials in no time and evading her specials yielded her with around 1.8 bars of power, to then basically use another sp2.
What am I missing here? Because this is not a power gain node. Before anyone says “oh it was just MD noob” I will say that is not at all what the problem was. Yes the Morningstar did have MD (I expect 5/5) but that would not account for what I experienced. All hits regardless of a dexterity buff ruled her far more then normal, and 1 evade of a sp2 should not be giving almost 2 bars of power back from a MD5/5 proc.

So is there some abuility im missing here? Because I have fought morningstars with GR before and it went fine. I used blade after his death and Morningstar s power gain was that of a normal champ, as it took about 10 basic hits to feed 1 bar to her.


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