4500 prestige europe-based player looking for alliance

hi all,
I am currently looking for an alliance whose primary focus is on AQ and AW.
AQ must be Expert tier and run map 5 at least 2-3 times a week.
I'm not a heavy grinder, and not interested in alliances that will constantly ask for alliance event participation. I have life outside the game so reaching all milestone rewards in completion, item use etc is not my thing. I think it's a waste of time for the 250 4* shards that one can get from it.
I guarantee to be available when needed in AQ and AW if it's between the following hours: UTC 5:00 - 22:00
I'm 100% capable of completing my paths in AQ map 5, no problem with taking down the bosses.
Uncollected title, currently working on act 5 completion.
I have 8 4* 5/50 champs and 1 5* 3/45. Have resources for more but am unwilling to rank up the current champs in hope to get better 5* options in the near future...
my profile pic below
You can reach me on line. My ID is cptvee


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