Og Thor or Drax

Supremeguy95Supremeguy95 Member Posts: 447 ★★
I have 4* og thor and drax (both unduped). Planning to dupe Thor from the basic arena in 2 weeks. Should i rank him up or Drax?

Og Thor or Drax 30 votes

Dupe Thor from arena and rank up
SolswerdMegaSkater67stakadqqedfyvrSpeedbumpStar_Lord_Cosmic_Ray13Natural_Born_NinjaStark78AlfaSavio444Josegee2321DRTOcx23433shadow_lurker22EnderDraco58ARK916VoltolosQbdnfrhuSavageBreaker69Ronin916 25 votes
Rank up unduped Drax
sfu_koraxSpiritOfVengeance[Deleted User]MethedUpWinner66615 5 votes


  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    Dupe Thor from arena and rank up
    Drax has his uses...but OG Thor is very useful. He helped me quite a bit with Act 5 content...especially with 5.2.4, where his armor breaks/damage completely outpaced the effects of masochism.
  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    Dupe Thor from arena and rank up
    Excellent damage, easy to use, true damage and great stun. Would hate to be without him. I always find him really useful on pretty much every uncollected EQ and and he’s been amazing for that nameless Hyperion this month. Get to your sp3 once and you can chain them until you win. In a normal fight you can keep sp1 stun chains going for a long time too which allows you to do massive damage with the armour break and fury to go with it. Really good champ, wouldn’t hesitate to upgrade him. Only thing I don’t usually bring him to is war offence, but only because the boss will be stun immune.
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