Incinerate immunity suggestion (Not the usual GR and Dorm)

When iceman was announced to be immune to incinerate, a lot of people immediately began speculating about the ability to be available to a few previously released champions, and the most suggested ones are Ghost Rider and Dormammu, since they are literally on fire.
The argument against this is that GR and Dorm are already very powerful, and giving them even more abilities would just lead to imbalance. And rightfully so.
So, why not try and give incinerate immunity to champs which are less powerful, and still logically able to be immune to fire.
Phoenix- Yes, she's quite powerful on her own, but not to an extent where she'd be op with the added ability.
Red hulk- with his entire body continuously generating heat, it would make sense for him to be immune to incinerate. If not outright immunity, maybe incinerate resistance based on the number of heat charges he has.
I'm sure there are a few more champions, maybe Loki who could be given incinerate immunity without causing imbalance.
On that note, shock immunity could also be given to electro, storm, Ultron, etc.
And of course, making Loki immune to iceman's cold snap.
What do you guys think?
The argument against this is that GR and Dorm are already very powerful, and giving them even more abilities would just lead to imbalance. And rightfully so.
So, why not try and give incinerate immunity to champs which are less powerful, and still logically able to be immune to fire.
Phoenix- Yes, she's quite powerful on her own, but not to an extent where she'd be op with the added ability.
Red hulk- with his entire body continuously generating heat, it would make sense for him to be immune to incinerate. If not outright immunity, maybe incinerate resistance based on the number of heat charges he has.
I'm sure there are a few more champions, maybe Loki who could be given incinerate immunity without causing imbalance.
On that note, shock immunity could also be given to electro, storm, Ultron, etc.
And of course, making Loki immune to iceman's cold snap.
What do you guys think?
He already is bleed immune. You want him to take 0 damage from bullets? A bulletproof vest might stop the bullet from going through but it doesn't stop it from hurting like hell.