A discussion that might be hard for me to think alone

Look MCOC is good. Even though its hard its good. But it lets me think about the players they barely join. What about them. Like we have the pros the middle players and the begginers. Just seeing all the hard stuff thats happening what if they quit and it effects the game. So here's my idea what if we make a bracket. Well what bracket you may ask. A bracket that determines were you are. Luke for ex. Lets say a new player has 100 power. I have 50,000 power and a pro has 500,000 power and were all grinding for the arena who's going to win. Yea we know who. Well that will not be fair for me or the new player. Well for me i will feel like man I can't do this because I will honesty get demolished. Well the new player will just quit the gane because he feel like its stupid because he's going against me and the pro. So like that's really unfair. So what I think ia that there should be brackets that determines were you go and who you go againts in arena and everything else. For this ill say I have 50,000 power I will between or with the people who are between the 100p through the 49,000p and the people who are 100.000p through 250.000p. And through which bracket you are on that is the people you face. No one above or below you becuase it will be fair. I know I'm going to get hate so come at me I don't care anymore.
I'm really sorry if you can't understand it