Which champ to use against a Nightclawler

A duped Nightclawler is easier to fight against for his mode-changing stuff becoming faster, but an unduped one is harder. So which champ should i use against his BAMF (evade), i only know duped Iceman can stop those evades.
Are there any other champs abilities that can help?
Are there any other champs abilities that can help?
Firstly, we'd like to say thank you ever so much for sharing your opinions on how to take down those pesky Nightcrawlers!
To add just a small amount of extra information here, many players find success as mentioned in getting him to change into Swashbuckling mode.
From Personal experience, I've found that slowing down your combos really helps as well. With many Champions, it's easy enough to wail on them with a 1x Medium 4x Light attack Combo if they don't have abilities such as Evade.
With that being said, slowing down gives you better control over your reaction time in case Nightcrawler decides it's time to teleport out of one of your attacks. All too many times I've caught myself spamming lights and been destroyed because he managed to get out of it.
There's an excellent amount of helpful information here, so thank you all again for sharing!