Moon Knight Wrong Lunar Phase

The above clip shows Moon Knight activating his New Moon lunar phase, but the above picture says Moon Knight should be in his Waning Crescent Phase. The MCOC Wilia stated that Moon Knight’s Waning Crescent lunar phase should have started at least as early as yesterday, I’ve been checking it on and off to prepare for LOL Moon Knight.
Can this be please be looked into?
The approximate halfway point between the new moon and the quarter moon is May 18th...that could be a factor if they do not consider it a Waning Crescent until it hits the quarter moon point. Plus, I do not think Kabam has much to do with that Wikia.
I was also going by this. Moon Knight has been on his New Moon phase for 8+ days.
Just checked again, Moon Knight is still in the wrong lunar phase. Here’s proof he should have switched to his waxing crescent phase as early as yesterday (
@Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Miike I haven’t had much look getting responses when tagging forum moderators recently. Is there something I can be doing better when asking for input on in-game bugs?
My timezone is PST, same thing as PDT. According to the above images the moon has been in its Waxing Crescent since at least yesterday.
I submitted a support ticket. I’m doing my 2nd to last Labyrinth of Legends run tomorrow, I was hoping to get an answer so I can decide which path to take. If New Moon is active I’ll save the remaining path that has Moon Knight for next time.
The astrological definition of waxing crescent would start the day after a new moon (even at 1% waxing crescent)....but as you posted above...Moonknight's moon phase buff is seperated into 4 equal phases. This likely means that the new moon phase would be from 37.5% waning gibbous to 12.5% waxing crescent.
So to list it out:
New Moon: 37.5% waning crescent to 12.5% waxing crescent
-starts halfway between third quarter moon and new moon
ends halfway between new moon and first quarter moon
Waxing Crescent: 12.5% waxing crescent to 37.5% waxing gibbous
-start halfway between new moon and first quarter moon
ends halfway between first quarter moon and full moon
Full Moon: 37.5% waxing gibbous to 12.5% waning gibbous
-starts halfway between first quarter moon and full moon
ends halfway between full moon and third quarter moon
Waning Crescent: 12.5% waning gibbous to 37.5% waning crescent
-starts halfway between full moon and third quarter moon
ends halfway between third quarter moon and new moon
The wikia you posted states only a date, but no hours or minutes....meaning it is not taking the ".38" part of "7.38 days" into account...this would cause it to go "off kilter" as time went on.
Taking all of the above into account..his waxing crescent phase should start a little less than 12 hours from the timestamp of my post.
@Solswerd Insightful post, I’ll be using my Moon Knight to duel after the 12 hour mark is up. Thank you, fighting LOL Moon Knight during his New Moon phase would be very difficult.
@Haji_Saab Thanks as well, seems like my sources were not accurate. Best part about being proven wrong is you learn something new.
Thank you so much!