Purchase limit Change on Dark Artifact Crystals

If you are going to have a purchase limit on the crystals, at least have the limit reset when it returns in the subsequent weeks.
I was going to get two of the same crystal, but now that doesn't seem to be possible. The non-reset of purchase limits seems out of sync with how you implement purchase limits elsewhere i.e. they reset over time or when they leave and return. Why the change?
The problem now is that I can't accumulate enough dark artifacts to go for my second choice crystal, know what I know now, because of how we accumulate artifacts because it is in the alternating week.
The limit is arbitrary since you control the currency with which the crystals are purchased. The limit also makes the concept of alternating weeks frustrating and a nuisance rather than giving us the sensation of exclusivity.
I was going to get two of the same crystal, but now that doesn't seem to be possible. The non-reset of purchase limits seems out of sync with how you implement purchase limits elsewhere i.e. they reset over time or when they leave and return. Why the change?
The problem now is that I can't accumulate enough dark artifacts to go for my second choice crystal, know what I know now, because of how we accumulate artifacts because it is in the alternating week.
The limit is arbitrary since you control the currency with which the crystals are purchased. The limit also makes the concept of alternating weeks frustrating and a nuisance rather than giving us the sensation of exclusivity.