Just for fun: Tag Team combat brainstorming

So, the other day I was thinking how cool it would be if you could somehow take advantage of Dr Voodoo's Loas with an awakened Ronan. That would be a completely unballanced massacre and simply demolish the opponent! FUN!!
And then I realised that it would be possible if we somehow got tag-team battles in the game, where you could choose a team of two champions and switch between them during combat. Well, that idea stuck with me and I kept thinking about the mechanics of such hypothetical tag-team battles and the ridiculously powerful team-ups that could happen.
(I realise that implementing tag-team battles at this point in the game would be extremely complex, maybe even unfeasible. Still, I thought it a good mental exercise. And besides, Kabam showed us recently with Dungeons and the multi-stage battles of Thanos that they are exploring new things)
Well, because no one asked for them, here are my ideas!
1. You select a team-up of two champions
2. During the fight, you generate one "tag" charge every 20-30 seconds. The fight starts with 1 "tag" and can stack up to 3 of them.
3. You consume one "tag" to switch your active champion. The champion switch is immediate and you can use your stockpiled "tags" after an extremely short delay (lets say 2 seconds).
I really like the idea of tag-team combos, i.e. switching from one character to the other for a couple of attacks and then quickly switching back. By having a small, slowly regenerating stack of quickly usable "tags" you could use them for example to quickly switch from champ A to B, launch a Special with B and switch back to A again at crucial points in the battle (and not just spam champion switches).
4. Each of the two champs has a seperate health bar. The health of the tagged-out champions remains constant
5. The power bar is shared between your champions. So, if you charge to Special 2 with champ A and switch to B, then B will be ready to fire S2 immediately.
6. Buffs and Debuffs carry over between active champions during a switch. Passives do not.
"Wait, buffs carry over? So, if I trigger Regeneration with Wolverine and switch to Vision, then Vision will regenerate?"
"But that makes no sense!"
I DON'T CARE!! It's more fun like this!
Originally, I was thinking along the more conservative and logical route of having buffs and debuffs apply individually to each champ and remain frozen when a champ is tagged out. But in that scenario I couldn't think of a lot of team-ups that work really well like the aforementioned Voodoo-Ronan combo. However, if we disregard logic and focus simply on fun by having the buffs and debuffs transferrable, then a whole new dimension of possibilities opens up!
Your Starlord got poisoned? Tag-in Hulk to purge it!
Start with Hyperion, parry-heavy to reach L1 and get some furies, tag-in Hawkeye and hit L1. BOOM, power drain and a ludicrous bleed!
As for passives not carrying over, I think passives are tied too closely to the nature of specific champions for them to be trasferrable. It just doesn't "feel" right to me. So, if we use Hyperion as an example, that would mean that furies and power gain carry over during a tag-in but Cosmic Charges don't.
Basically, my thinking is that if it can be dispelled (buff) or it triggers Willpower (debuff), then it carries over between champions.
Obviously, team-ups have the potential to be extremely overpowered. But I think that's the appeal, trying to discover the most ridiculously powerful combination of champions! And Kabam could design even tougher challenges specifically for these tag teams battles.
Also obviously, tag-teams shouldn't replace the main portion of the game. AW, AQ, event and story quests should remain as they are. But they could be an extra gameplay mode, like Dungeons are currently.
So, those are my thoughts.
What obscenely OP team-ups can you think of? How would you change the tag-team rules?
And then I realised that it would be possible if we somehow got tag-team battles in the game, where you could choose a team of two champions and switch between them during combat. Well, that idea stuck with me and I kept thinking about the mechanics of such hypothetical tag-team battles and the ridiculously powerful team-ups that could happen.
(I realise that implementing tag-team battles at this point in the game would be extremely complex, maybe even unfeasible. Still, I thought it a good mental exercise. And besides, Kabam showed us recently with Dungeons and the multi-stage battles of Thanos that they are exploring new things)
Well, because no one asked for them, here are my ideas!
1. You select a team-up of two champions
2. During the fight, you generate one "tag" charge every 20-30 seconds. The fight starts with 1 "tag" and can stack up to 3 of them.
3. You consume one "tag" to switch your active champion. The champion switch is immediate and you can use your stockpiled "tags" after an extremely short delay (lets say 2 seconds).
I really like the idea of tag-team combos, i.e. switching from one character to the other for a couple of attacks and then quickly switching back. By having a small, slowly regenerating stack of quickly usable "tags" you could use them for example to quickly switch from champ A to B, launch a Special with B and switch back to A again at crucial points in the battle (and not just spam champion switches).
4. Each of the two champs has a seperate health bar. The health of the tagged-out champions remains constant
5. The power bar is shared between your champions. So, if you charge to Special 2 with champ A and switch to B, then B will be ready to fire S2 immediately.
6. Buffs and Debuffs carry over between active champions during a switch. Passives do not.
"Wait, buffs carry over? So, if I trigger Regeneration with Wolverine and switch to Vision, then Vision will regenerate?"
"But that makes no sense!"
I DON'T CARE!! It's more fun like this!
Originally, I was thinking along the more conservative and logical route of having buffs and debuffs apply individually to each champ and remain frozen when a champ is tagged out. But in that scenario I couldn't think of a lot of team-ups that work really well like the aforementioned Voodoo-Ronan combo. However, if we disregard logic and focus simply on fun by having the buffs and debuffs transferrable, then a whole new dimension of possibilities opens up!
Your Starlord got poisoned? Tag-in Hulk to purge it!
Start with Hyperion, parry-heavy to reach L1 and get some furies, tag-in Hawkeye and hit L1. BOOM, power drain and a ludicrous bleed!
As for passives not carrying over, I think passives are tied too closely to the nature of specific champions for them to be trasferrable. It just doesn't "feel" right to me. So, if we use Hyperion as an example, that would mean that furies and power gain carry over during a tag-in but Cosmic Charges don't.
Basically, my thinking is that if it can be dispelled (buff) or it triggers Willpower (debuff), then it carries over between champions.
Obviously, team-ups have the potential to be extremely overpowered. But I think that's the appeal, trying to discover the most ridiculously powerful combination of champions! And Kabam could design even tougher challenges specifically for these tag teams battles.
Also obviously, tag-teams shouldn't replace the main portion of the game. AW, AQ, event and story quests should remain as they are. But they could be an extra gameplay mode, like Dungeons are currently.
So, those are my thoughts.
What obscenely OP team-ups can you think of? How would you change the tag-team rules?