Can SP2 > SP3?

So I am just a week into the game and I have 3* Iceman and 3* Gwenpool who have been very useful. I may be wrong but it seems like their special 2 attacks deal more damage than their special 3 attacks. Can this be the case or am I mistaken? Thanks!
Iceman try to keep doing his sp1, his sp2 removes his ice armor, however his sp3 can get it back again if you need it before the clock resets it.
A good example is gamora
Her sp3 is useless compared to her sp2
Special-3 attacks are unavoidable; so can't be blocked. If you are fighting a very defensive champion; or one who Evades a lot, you may well want to save up for a Special-3 attack.
As a general rule, if your champion relies on criticals (like Gamora and Cyclops), their SP2 will be a better source of damage. In fact for both of these guys, their Signature ability can't trigger on a Special-3.
Certain champions whose SP3 inflicts armour break have really effective SP3s - notably old-style champions Iron Man, Superior Iron Man and Hulkbuster (and Thor if he's Awakened). For these guys, it is worth saving for a SP3 (especially since it's a bit hard to connect with the SP2 of IM/SIM).
Lol I never use a sp3, very rarely.
Maybe Magik or Morningstar, but most are terrible. Fun to watch maybe, but just because they are unblockable doesn’t mean they are used 😂 what a silly thing to say
Sp3s are mainly used for their utility or a guaranteed hit.
Medusa - Armor shattered for 35 seconds
Sparky - Ensnare evading opponents
Hyperion - 3 cosmic charges
Magik - Insane damage if opponent has lots of buffs
SW - Nullify all buffs
GR - Damnation & Reset all judgments
Vision - If opponent cannot be power drained or ability accuracy is reduced, only SP3 will have guaranteed damage
NC - Permanently increase Deep Wounds chance
Mordo - Fury plus chance to heal
GP - Armor Break
Groot - Only bc Sp2 sucks