Corvus Glaive’s Immunity

I got Corvus earlier this month and love using him, but I have never been able to figure his immunity out. He does not counter coldsnap at the beginning of the fight (not sure if intended or a bug) when fighting Iceman, but when I get knocked down, it seems to show what would appear as immunity being deactivated as if he had immunity? Can anyone clear this up for me. I have read and re read his description multiple times but no mention to when or how his immunity is active.
I got beat up just to show what I am talking about.

Incase its a bug, I am on iPhone X Ios 11.3.1.
I got beat up just to show what I am talking about.

Incase its a bug, I am on iPhone X Ios 11.3.1.
If he is knocked down, then he loses all charges and isn't immune anymore. This is why it's important to use a heavy or a special attack to end the fight when fighting against him.
I don't believe he is immune to cold snap, but I could be wrong.
He is. But question is when does his immunity take place? I understand the immortality abilty he has, but what about his Immunity?
This is what I was referring to in my previous comment.
Here is my question though, doesn’t Corvus start with Immunity? If getting knocked down interrupts it, why wouldn’t he have had it in the first place? Is it different bc technically Iceman didn’t apply it to me when the match up started? I just want to confirm how he works.
But how do you do that?
Read his abilities. It says it all right there.
look like its a bug or they need to delete he have any immune cause it sucks..
Ooooooohhhhh that was a huge help. I just had to pay more attention to the debuff in the fight. Thanks.