AQ map 5 x 5 alliance needs 1 member!

Hello, I am ngray13 from Awakened X-Men (8 million rating). We are looking for a player to join. Requirements include:
Line chat
Active on chat and in game
Several 4* 5/50 or equivalent for 5 stars.
We run AQ map 5 all 5 days.
We are in tier 2-4 in AW
We never take any weeks off from Summoner Advancement and usually finish in 6-21% range.
We have reasonable donations for AQ, sometimes even take weeks off from donating.
We are a US based alliance so a time zone similar to that would be the best fit.
We'd love to have you on board! If you fit the requirements feel free to message me in game or on line at ngray13. Thanks!
Line chat
Active on chat and in game
Several 4* 5/50 or equivalent for 5 stars.
We run AQ map 5 all 5 days.
We are in tier 2-4 in AW
We never take any weeks off from Summoner Advancement and usually finish in 6-21% range.
We have reasonable donations for AQ, sometimes even take weeks off from donating.
We are a US based alliance so a time zone similar to that would be the best fit.
We'd love to have you on board! If you fit the requirements feel free to message me in game or on line at ngray13. Thanks!
Have aw dafenders: 4 star 4/40 Ncrawler, Hyperion, Mordo, d Magic
In game: PlayerGD