Game still very bugged - Players need an update on the whole situation

TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 501 ★★★
When are you (Kabam) finally going to fix your game? The game is still so bugged that it is almost no fun anymore. It's been months and since your last official statement weeks have gone by. The players do not know when those bugs will get fixed and this is a very big problem.

With bugs I am speaking of unresponsive champs (champs stop attacking mid combo, auto dashing forward even though you hold down block, special attacks, dashing back and parry not working and so on).

It's almost like you (Kabam) want us players to accept these bugs even though they are game breaking. It's basic stuff that has to work. If you can't fix it tell us so we can quit the game and never come back.

What makes me play on is the hope you guys will fix it. I told myself to give you time until September. If the bugs won't be fixed until then I will quit the game. Then it would be 1 year without any fixes regarding these bugs.
My alliance members are affected and disappointed as well. Not many left who still enjoy the game as much as they did in the past.

You really need to give us an update on all the problems and finally tell us when it will be fixed! If the game needs to get shut down for a week or whatever amount of time necessary to get it fixed I would be absolutely fine with it.

I'd appreciate if you guys would concentrate on known issues 1st instead of adding new content. This is no rant. I just want to share my (and my alliance members') feelings about the whole situation. I really want to enjoy this game again so please fix your game.

Thx for reading and your understanding.


  • BQuBQu Member Posts: 32
    Yeah you are so right. I have to leave my alliance cause I'm useless. Nothing works. Love the game, hope it will be okay someday.
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