Idk about you guys but I'd definitely rather see some older champs get vamped up. (Not god tier changes) maybe a couple like a god tier Carnage would be cool. But it's be happy if these guys were just more useable.
Idk about you guys but I'd definitely rather see some older champs get vamped up. (Not god tier changes) maybe a couple like a god tier Carnage would be cool. But it's be happy if these guys were just more useable.
Honestly, I feel like just by making his bleeds last longer and increase his power gain for hitting a bleeding target they could have fixed him.
Idk about you guys but I'd definitely rather see some older champs get vamped up. (Not god tier changes) maybe a couple like a god tier Carnage would be cool. But it's be happy if these guys were just more useable.
Honestly, I feel like just by making his bleeds last longer and increase his power gain for hitting a bleeding target they could have fixed him.
Yes. Maybe a higher percentage to cause a bleed as well. Kinda wish they would done his animations better for sure. Carnage's animations are great.
I can see the new version now. character name: Venom (Tom Hardy). character look: just like the old Venom. character moves: same as old Venom. special moves: same as old Venom. the only difference will be the new Venom will be buffed the way the old one should be.
They likely won't do anything because venom is such an old champ most players already have him and there are many variations (agent venom, venom pool) already.
Agent Venom is very good. Venompool is good. Venom is average at best
Idk about you guys but I'd definitely rather see some older champs get vamped up. (Not god tier changes) maybe a couple like a god tier Carnage would be cool. But it's be happy if these guys were just more useable.
agree, I have him awakened as a 5*, would enjoy it xD
Honestly, I feel like just by making his bleeds last longer and increase his power gain for hitting a bleeding target they could have fixed him.
Yes. Maybe a higher percentage to cause a bleed as well. Kinda wish they would done his animations better for sure. Carnage's animations are great.
Spiderman homecoming was sony/marvel lol
yes, but it was mcu sony/marvel. unlike all of the other spiderman movies, that were just sony.
But this is venom who hasnt bonded with peter parker so ya i can see this film venom coming to the contest
Didn’t they do an event for X-Men Apocalypse?
I'm not saying they won't, just that Venom isn't part of the MCU.
Agent Venom is very good. Venompool is good. Venom is average at best
agree, I have him awakened as a 5*, would enjoy it xD
Not yet lmao
Why do I feel as if this is what is most likely to happen?😂