Map 3 mini-boss Cable way too difficult!

I know there’s tons of you out there irritated about this very same problem! We run two map 5’s per week, and the mini bosses on there are way easier than map 3 cable! He is in no way comparable to past mini bosses, and it needs to change...
I was talking about last AQ, the boss was Cable...if you say you run map 5, you should have run into him a couple times before sentinels.
Void works well. Ultron is great but generally timeout. Magik is awesome for him. Last but not least is Starlord
Ultron's bleed will cause him to degen though right? I've tried SL and can be tricky as I've had him trigger double power gain before after 2 bars. Sounds like Magik is the way to go for me. @DaMunk
If you read Cables abilities he doesn't cause degen from bleed against robots. Ultron would be perfect if he hit a little harder, especially when duped because Cables l1 barely does damage to him due to it being energy.
I couldn't agree more!
pork chop sandwiches
If you cant run map5 yet, you should be doing map3, which is free, kabam knows this and thus increased the difficulty. Map4 is much easier than map3 since the update.
I never had too much difficulty soloing him with 3/45 Angela or duped 5/50 OG Hulk.
I still think the best option is Sparky followed by SL.
Sparky has some emergency power control and his poises charges are fed by Cable's sp1.
There is no need for me to explain SL.
The only thing I don't like about fighting Cable is that his heavy attack causes my phone to lag.