Camera bug in aq

Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 676 ★★★★
Ok, I was fight Quake in aq with Hyperion and started to eat a combo. I activated L3 as Quake was dashing towards me. When the L3 animation was finished, my Hyperion was no where to be seen. The "camera" angle was completely off and wasn't following my champ. I somehow ended up winning the fight thanks to luck despite the "camera" changing to several weird angles and not following Hyperion. I couldn't snag a screen shot during the fight because I was too busy trying frantically not to die. However, you can see in the screenshot I took after the fight that the angle is off there as well.
These bugs are getting insane. I swiped forwards earlier today and my champ went backwards.
First Quake miniboss aq
iPhone 6
iOS 10.3.2
Latest build of game.
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