Get back to old champs

Is the Luke Cage/Red Hulk the best Kabam can do? After their adjustments the good measure to the community has stopped. They aren’t great but better. Kabam needs to get back to buffing about all champs. The difference between what comes out now vs previous champs is huge. Buff them or remove them from crystals. Most are useless. We see how fast moves can be made. 20 champs could easily be improved by now.
Old champs should be improved before releasing new ones the whales spend over. This will help balance the game and new players. Forget Beta testing and have the game team inspired and back to work. Their the best part of the company
Old champs should be improved before releasing new ones the whales spend over. This will help balance the game and new players. Forget Beta testing and have the game team inspired and back to work. Their the best part of the company
In other words: let’s get cracking on buffing the old guys.
Dr. Zola
Luke Cage is debatably god tier for me. Ability to tank SP3 plus infinite stun lock and crazy damage potential with exhaustion
Agreed, buff Carnage first. With all the complaining we've been doing for the past few months, it's a shame we haven't even gotten an update on how they're doing with the Carnage buff so far.
Older champs such as colossus, iron fist, gamora, hawkeye, drax, iron man, captain America, electro, etc. have such outdated abilities that they simply aren't fun to use. Even champs like star lord, vision, wolvie, who are considered to be some of the best champs in game have ability descriptions that are a fraction of the length of newer champs. I'm not saying this is a bad thing but I would like to see some of the weaker old champs to get reworked (gamora, marvels, iron fist, colossus- all one-trick ponies). They were all probably released at the start of the game and as a result had extremely simple descriptions