How DO YOU use Blade?

So, we all know he's is the most hyped and top of the tier champs right now in MCOC and NOW that the Arena is over, a lot more people have him. So, my questions are -
1) How do you use him on attack. What is your strategy? (Stack max bleeds / regen after each bar / regen when bar is full / heavy attacks)
2) Who do you use him against? (Against everything / against specific classes)
3) Do you only run him with synergies / without synergies? (if you dont have any of Meph, dorm, starky, GR)
4) Where do you use him the most? Which part of the game you feel he helps out the most with?
Thanks for any insights / comments.
1) How do you use him on attack. What is your strategy? (Stack max bleeds / regen after each bar / regen when bar is full / heavy attacks)
2) Who do you use him against? (Against everything / against specific classes)
3) Do you only run him with synergies / without synergies? (if you dont have any of Meph, dorm, starky, GR)
4) Where do you use him the most? Which part of the game you feel he helps out the most with?
Thanks for any insights / comments.
I almost always use sp2. Bleed by stun to get power gain. Exceptions are stark spidey, power lock etc...
I originally used him with Dorm but stark spidey + Gr is best. I use that combo against all and it counters 90% of problems.
I heal as necessary but you must be careful to not fall into a heal trap. Against dormamu is a good example of just burn him down.
Mine is r5 5* so that helps too.
2) try not to use him against bleed immune champs. If you have Dorm/GR use him against mystics and villains.
3) he doesn't rely fully on synergies but they do boost his damage in specific situations (also ability reduction so, pretty useful)
4) depends on where you are in the game. Imo he's great for pretty much everything (story quests, eq, aq, aw)
Hope this helps.
And honestly, Voodoo is my War work horse. I do path 4 generally in T2 and there are just a lot of nodes like cornered and AON that blade is terrible for.
When I do use blade (mainly on bosses now) I spam his L1 to stack bleeds and get power gain. Eventually I will power gain enough to get an L2
Thanks, I am planning something similar, if I can get through my path 9 Node 44.
Sounds good. SP2 seems like the best way to do the most damage.
1. In easier, short fights, I use the sp2. I won't bother with regen, and even deliberately fall below 50% to get courage damage.
2. In longer, difficult fights, I spam sp1. In the long term this generates more damage and power for blade, and it will eventually give so much power that you can throw in an occasional sp2. For regen, I like to use the nightcrawler trick- wait for opponent to dash back, whiff a light attack, and you can get in a couple seconds of regen without having to worry about the opponent dashing towards you. I might also regen if I accidentally get to sp3 and want to use sp2.
3. I use him as a general path clearer because he is sustainable, but best matchups are obviously those in which he gains danger sense. Since I don't own a ghost rider, I will bring him to fight mystics and sciences. He struggles against bleed immune.
4. Without synergies he is still extremely powerful, you don't absolutely need them but they will help immensely.
5. I have mostly used blade in act 5, was very helpful in fighting modok and mephisto