Gwenpool's Signature Ability [Not A Bug]

Bearz_RuleBearz_Rule Member Posts: 47
edited June 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
I have been greatly enjoying my awakened, rank 5/50 Gwenpool. As her sig ablilty reads, a special attack can only do x% of her current health. I recently fought RR on an all or nothing node, and died from his SP3. This was because of the bleed from it, but it did more damage than the sig ability allowed. Is this a bug or how she is supposed to play? Because if it's how she's supposed to play, any champ that places a debuff on her with their special attack will kill her.


  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey there @Bearz_Rule. Gwenpool's signature only limits the amount of damage per hit, not the overall amount of damage she takes. That means if a Special does enough hits, even at a reduces damage, it can still kill her. I hope this helps!
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