While it sometimes may not feel like enough, rest assured we have filters as well as temporary chat bans in place. Our filters are constantly evolving, and while they can’t catch everything they do catch a lot!
Of course, you can help us improve things by reporting users via the chat tool in-game – and for those more severe cases, reporting via a support ticket.
You can read about how to block a player HERE and you can reach out to Support by tapping the gear in the left corner of the main screen and clicking Support!
While it sometimes may not feel like enough, rest assured we have filters as well as temporary chat bans in place. Our filters are constantly evolving, and while they can’t catch everything they do catch a lot!
Of course, you can help us improve things by reporting users via the chat tool in-game – and for those more severe cases, reporting via a support ticket.
You can read about how to block a player HERE and you can reach out to Support by tapping the gear in the left corner of the main screen and clicking Support!