I am planning on starting a brand new alliance soon, focus on AW only.. only map 3 AQ.. I have 460k rating and 5900 prestige, I'm trying to get a group of strong players to join my alliance once I create it, to quickly dominate AW.. goal is to move up to platinum. NO donations, NO event minimums, AW is only mandatory event. Message me in game or on line if interested.
We are looking for 10 players, fairly serious alliance with a dash of life taken into account. We run AQ map 3/4 and are silver 2 ranked aw. DPE 11 find me in game or on line app mandingo8282.
usmas, do you have line? I have 1 other guy right now, trying to start an AW focused alliance together, map 3 AQ... heavy AW focus! If interested, please add me on line: andlow1
We have approx 10 spots available
We have approx 10 spots available
Ign: Andlow94
Line: andlow1
Chat me up on LINE. ID is wintersocool