Auto Evade Causing Dropped Block During Specials
I’ve been noticing for a while now that when I hold my block during special attacks that my auto-evade characters may evade part of the special, but then get hit by the rest of it even though my block is held the entire time. This needs to be fixed.
his (-70% evade chance) doesn't mean -100% block chance!! when you literally hold block the whole time and one of the bullets trigger one evade(while you are blocking) and all the rest of the bullets will hit you no matter what you do.
I hope at least they acknowledge this bug! it's been here since they released Spark
Same thing happens while using DD Classic. Gets tagged by a "phantom" bullet.
Dr Zola
Thanks for bringing this up to our attention. We will make sure to forward your feedback along to the team regarding the way Auto-Evade is interacting with Champions while blocking. If you happen to have any other additional bits of information, feel free to share this with us.
If block = yes then evade = null
Seriously though, why not just not allow evade while blocking? Evade should not nullify or override your block.
This is actually a bug that we are aware of, and are preparing a fix for. We hope to have the fix out with the next version, as long as nothing changes.
Thank you all for your patience on this matter.