Aw fights are randomly buggy for me and I simply don’t know why ?

So been playing this evening in act 5.3.3 was doing great photos to prove just finished the run as I was needed in aw. And my champs were in quest I free them join aw. Game has been great I might add. I move to the first node very easy very easy champ on the node also the fight starts and as soon as it says fight they begin the match with a special 1. They launch this immediately. As it was so fast I opted for the safe option of taking a block hit so I held block my champ went into the block pose. The special hits my block and activates on me. It was lady Jane Thor and the special was shock special 1. Then what happens is in aproximately 6 seconds I didn’t count. I die. I tell my alliance this to be called a liar and threatened with the boot cause I died easily ( failed to hit the oooenent and we play alliance war competitively dying gets you kicked out. ) so if some kind person at kabam could shed some light on this matter I’d appreciate it cause it’s not fair to be called a liar. And have to take threats and explain myself when Iv actually done no wrong. Iv redownloaded the game submitted loads of tickets and no resolution ever comes. Please help.