XP at level 60

DeeferDeefer Member Posts: 2
When you reach level 60, you no longer need XP. So why is it that all I get from crystals is 40% XP boosts? Just asking...


  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Let's make them gold boosts at least
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Because others still need them so they're left in the crystal.
    Just use them all during item use for easy points.
  • Stevie_Stars1Stevie_Stars1 Member Posts: 253
    It's one one the more ridiculous parts of the game
  • DeeferDeefer Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2017
    They know how to stop issuing them, so why can't they remove them from the crystals you open? If not then how about trading them for other things we need.
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