Astral Evade and IMIW interplay

Stun the Astral Evade animation??
Both what Should and Shouldn’t, are displayed in this short clip.
Both what Should and Shouldn’t, are displayed in this short clip.

Not that he particularly needs another counter. I just fought a "Stun immune Mordo" or as I would like to call him "Mordo".
You figured which part is a bug?
Unless you consider the hit after astral evade to be a projectile attack
Because there was nothing in the video that was a bug, neither did he make any mention of anything being a bug in his original post.
Where the astral Evade animation is being parry stunned. I would be inclined to think that blocking this animation via an autoblock is acceptable (as you see on the final autoblock in the vid) but to stun an animation that is directly derived from the idea to punish the act attacking a stunned mordo, seems supurfluous.
P.S I’m fairly certain I addressed this in my initial post. :P
The last one wasn't parry stunned because IMIW had no more armour effects, so he couldn't auto block.
@ShadPrince um he had 2? And he did auto block, but mordo didn't get stunned
Just tested this. I am able to get the “parry” text on every astral Evade, but it never parry stuns mordo.
Attack from astral evade is physical atk, that can be stunned from autoblock.
IM IW can counter astral evade if he use medium atk while mordo stunning.