second account in the same alliance and dungeons question

user1234user1234 Member Posts: 3
Just want to make sure. If I have two accounts, is it allowed to have them both in the same alliance?
I searched the forum, but couldn't find an answer to that specific question.

also, is it allowed if I use my second account as a dungeons partner for my main account?


  • RoraRora Member Posts: 124
    edited May 2018
    Its a waste of time Focus on One Account! Give the other to your bro or sis to play.
  • captaincushcaptaincush Member Posts: 988 ★★★★
    I have two accounts in the same alliance and I use two devices at once to play dungeons by myself
  • CoderKnight69CoderKnight69 Member Posts: 53
    I got four freakin accs and each at pretty high level (main one being a legend acc)....i use them for AW only,nothing else.
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