Trading Champions

Ok, so this idea has always been in my head since i started the, but wouldn't you like the ability to trade your Champion with someone for their Champion?
Before you flat out disagree with me, lemme explain. Yes, this feature would be a cheap way to ignore the crystals, BUT if there were limits, it could work out, here's my idea of how a trading system in the game should be.
*unlock at lv 10
*trading cost at least 100 units
*you can only trade once a week
*only characters of the same star level can be traded
*Dueling for the trade, possibly ( similar to borderlands 2, add a little more effort in the trading)
Before you flat out disagree with me, lemme explain. Yes, this feature would be a cheap way to ignore the crystals, BUT if there were limits, it could work out, here's my idea of how a trading system in the game should be.
*unlock at lv 10
*trading cost at least 100 units
*you can only trade once a week
*only characters of the same star level can be traded
*Dueling for the trade, possibly ( similar to borderlands 2, add a little more effort in the trading)
Ugh, forgot that you can make multiple accounts. Guess it is a hopeless idea, ah well, suppose not everything is meant to be.
Still wish it could happen, but the whole multiple account issue still stands. Ripping off? Not really a problem, just depends if someone stupid enough to do it, so it would be on them, anyways, thanks for the negative feedback (in a good way 😂)
1) Multiple Accounts, multiple re-tries at getting the elusive champ and then trading him over.
2) You're inviting more and more hackers. They'll hack and take your top champs.
3) Trading could work if suppose there were multiple versions of the same champ that we could have, such as multiple 4* Nightcrawler. Who'd want to trade their 4* Cable for a 4* Hulkbuster.
Lmao, as you can tell, i hate the way you get characters. I've wasted 10 crystals trying to get a Carnage but just got 2 boring 4* and 8 meanliness 2* 😂😂😂
I already get why it can't happen, it wasnt really a thing i thought thoroughly about, just a lil idea that popped into my head. No need to be so sarcastic about it, yeesh.