bloodthirsty villain

it's time..
i want to enjoy carnage now.. not 20 years from now.. Buff our amorphous extraterrestrial parasite..
make him a real deal that's what he deserves.. so i'll put my personal opinion on this again
1.carnage should have some sort of regenerate.
2.his signature ability is a passive one and bloodlust won't do anything for him so make it right.. bloodlust should gain more power.
3.power drain after his awakened.. with bloodlust gaining power his light and medium attacks can perform small bites of power drain keeping opponent from reaching L3 [Carnge's Low Health] while his mutating.
4.higher physical resistance
5.symbiote tendril (putting a debuff on the opponent causing degenerate or reducing ability accuracy)
6.carnage can see through incoming attacks so if anyone should have auto-block is carnage not {({( OTHERS )})}
i want to enjoy carnage now.. not 20 years from now.. Buff our amorphous extraterrestrial parasite..
make him a real deal that's what he deserves.. so i'll put my personal opinion on this again
1.carnage should have some sort of regenerate.
2.his signature ability is a passive one and bloodlust won't do anything for him so make it right.. bloodlust should gain more power.
3.power drain after his awakened.. with bloodlust gaining power his light and medium attacks can perform small bites of power drain keeping opponent from reaching L3 [Carnge's Low Health] while his mutating.
4.higher physical resistance
5.symbiote tendril (putting a debuff on the opponent causing degenerate or reducing ability accuracy)
6.carnage can see through incoming attacks so if anyone should have auto-block is carnage not {({( OTHERS )})}