Full exploration of uncollected Infinity Nightmare Chap 1 New Tricks only shows 98%

Is it a bug? I traveled all 4 paths and killed IMiw 4 times. I reported it Kabam. And I got a reply saying " I can see here that there is still node which you haven't completed. Upon checking your map progress, the middle part of the map is not yet completed. " How is it even possible? 

Another reply from Kabam "I understand you are concerned about the completion and exploration status of your Infinity Nightmare Chapter 1 quest 2. I understand where is the confusion came from. My name is Ericjae and let me do my very best to assist.
I've made a check on your account and can confirm that on you didn't yet explored or mastered 100% your Infinity Nightmare Chapter 1 quest 2 as it shows only completed on our system. That is the main reason why it appears as 98% completion and exploration on your end. With that said, please do explore the remaining Chapter 1 quest 2 for you to have 100% exploration.
These replies show that the kabam support staff is not familiar with the game and is totally reckless in handling the reported case.
I hope you don't have to do that quest again OP.