Looking for an active alliance

I'm looking to join a more active alliance. Daily player with:
Rating: 180k
Prestige: 4k
Top champions: 4* Gwenpool/4* Iceman - both maxed out.

Let me know.


  • DtyttfthgDtyttfthg Member Posts: 74
    I have a ally with AW focus and Gold 3 AW. Do you have line? My line ID is holdthephone if you are interested in joining or talking. We are active, all are on daily and run 2 BGs for AW so you can have a life outside of the game too. I would need to see your champs and profile. Let me know and thanks. Run AQ Map3.
  • RagnarAXERagnarAXE Member Posts: 103
    Add ragnaraxe22 on line
  • RagnarAXERagnarAXE Member Posts: 103
    Add me as well would like to talk about my alliance Beerbongs & Bentleys
  • oxeldropoxeldrop Member Posts: 9
    if you're still looking, we're an Aussie alliance that would be a good fit for your timezone. AW focus, Gold-2, AQ 53322.
    Line: Oxeldrop
  • giova000giova000 Member Posts: 37
    still looking?
  • EthanbEthanb Member Posts: 27
    If you want you can join mine it’s called Earth’s champions by eb548
  • _Mac_203_Mac_203 Member Posts: 40
    Ally tag : ¥MDV4 if your still looking
  • TacoDougTacoDoug Member Posts: 138
    If you’re still looking message me on line. Kungpaomatthew. Full 30 running 44433 and war always going.
  • MyleHy7MyleHy7 Member Posts: 129
    Hello there 😁👋🏻
    What are you looking for in your next Alliance?
    Vigilante Priesthood, recruiting active adult 100-200K,AW(Silver1)/AQ Map3, LINE req. Hmu on LINE: mylehy7
    Perhaps, we may have a proposition for you. 🙏🏻
  • KefyemKefyem Member Posts: 60
    [Aruuh] Sgt's Howling Commandos

    Srgt's Howling Commandos wants YOU!
    We are looking to expand our team with some friendly summoners that can work together and play regularly. We are an AQ focussed alliance currently doing map 3 and 4. We are TIER 14 in AW; Season 1 we came in SILVER 2 We run Wars a couple times a week.
    Entry requirments :
    - HR - 90K +
    - Must participate in AQ and AW

    Do you have what it takes to be a howling commando to fight to protect this Battle Realm? Add me if interested :
    Contest id - Sgt Narcotic
    Line id - sergeantpsychotic
  • ShadPrinceShadPrince Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    If you're still looking, try DEADSHOT (DeShO)
    Gold 2 in AW, run 3 BGs
    AQ runs maps 5, 3, and 2 depending on war and other variables
    Quite an active, if you're interested and want more info add me on line (id is ShadPrince)
  • GrueneMicGrueneMic Member Posts: 40
    4s5h6216wcva.pngWe are active chill. No mandatory donations. 44432 on very best weeks, but a lot of times 44332 or even 34332... depends on how the work week and holidays fall. We are currently using Slack, not Line. US central time zone based. Good place to be, solid team and leadership. Check the website to join: https://www.melindawyers.com/coctm
  • VerguldVerguld Member Posts: 128
  • Human_Poison1Human_Poison1 Member Posts: 34
    Check us out:
    IGN: Human Poison
    Ally: Jedi Master
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