Locking champs in quests

StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
There is a loading screen tip that says "Even with super powers your champions can only do one quest at a time" and I agree that it makes sense to lock those champs into the specific quest they are doing. Just like locking them in AW and AQ where they are not available for choosing when starting a regular quest.

However by that logic it would also suggest that we should be able to use OTHER champs for OTHER quests which is not the case here. Right now if I use some champs in story quest not only are they locked in to story quest I can't even use other champs to do event quests! Where's the logic there?

We should be able to do multiple quests in both story and event at the same time only with different champs!

Also, would make sense to make energy champ specific instead of global so if 1 team in story is moving it will use the energy of that team and not global. So another team in event quest would still have full energy until they move. But I'm not delusional to think kabam would do anything like that. After all it does help the player and make total sense and we all know kabam is highly against help and sense.


  • Jimbojames23Jimbojames23 Member Posts: 70
    It's not that they are against helping people but people spend units on energy refills so they aren't going to allow two different sets of energy, but I totally agree with being able to use different champs in different quests, that would be a big help in situations like if you were doing a LoL run for example and run out of revives, you can then jump into other quests with other champs to be able to build up your resources again
  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    It's not that they are against helping people but people spend units on energy refills so they aren't going to allow two different sets of energy, but I totally agree with being able to use different champs in different quests, that would be a big help in situations like if you were doing a LoL run for example and run out of revives, you can then jump into other quests with other champs to be able to build up your resources again

    Yeah but then the same thing about the units for refills apply here. They won't allow you to build potions somewhere else when you really need it on another quest.
    My point was mainly for the fun aspect where I want to try harder content but at the same time want to do other content. Like doing act 5 while doing master mode event quest at the same time. even though it's 2 completely different categories under 2 different sections in the game they still won't allow us to do that.
    that's what I mean they don't care about the players and go against their own logic like I mention in my original post.
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